Fine-tuned and enjoyable about Ola Magnell who set the 70s to music with bite and swing.
A surprising discovery for anyone who was too young at the time. How to describe Ola Magnell varies – singer-songwriter, rock musician, prog player, troubadour… But he was one of the most stylistic Swedish songwriters, with linguistic inventiveness and a fairy-tale turn in the songs. His career went back and forth, Ola was a troubled soul who did not enjoy either the rock star costume or the music industry – perhaps not even with the audience that most wanted to hear Påtalåten and Kliff, his hits from the 70s. Have you only seen Ola Magnell in På spåret this year, when he did a cover of Laleh’s En stund på jorden – terrific! – you just have to (re)discover this musical genius!
After the screening on Saturday March 11, there will be a director’s talk with Tell Aulin followed by live music! Tomas Andersson Wij, Marie Bergman, Lasse Englund, Calle Ekerstam and Jonatan Stenson offer a musical evening in the spirit of the reluctant rock poet!
Thursday 9 March, 18.00-19.20, Zita 1. Followed by QA with the director.
Saturday 11 March, 18.30-19.30, Reflexen. Live music & QA with director .