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Here you will find the industry program for the 2024 festival. All seminars take place at Ö2 Scenkonst. At Arena Skrapan, just across the street from Ö2, anyone with an industry accreditation, can have both spontaneous and scheduled meetings during the festival. Arena Skrapan is open from March 4th to March 8th, from 08:00 to 17:00.

Tuesday, March 5th

10.00 Att hitta sin egen röst
11.00 Dokumentära metoder och kreativa processer
13.00 Meet the decision makers
13.45 Den kreativa producenten 2.0
15.00 Vad är det vi inte vet om dokumentärfilmens publik
15.30 Distribution och vision – hur når vi publiken?
16.30 Mingle with SKH

Wednesday, March 6th

10.00 Another body – AI och dokumentärfilm
11.00 Hur tjänar jag pengar på min dokumentär?
13.00 Work in Progress: Looking Back at Love & ILOVERUSS
14.00 Work in Progress: N.N. – A Stolen Childhood & Strejkarna
15.00 Work In Progress: Jag har ett ansikte för att bli älskad & Elevated
16.00 Work in Progress: Matriarkatet & Kör tills vi dör
17.00 Mingle with Film Stockholm

Thursday, March 7th

10.00 Work in Progress: Amazomania & Racing Hearts
10.50 Work in Progress: To the North & Confessions of a Swedish Man
11.40 Internationell samproduktion
14.30 Tempo Pitch (BIO RIO)
17.00 Mingle with SVT Documentary (BISTRO BARBRO)

Friday, March 8th

09.00 Morning coffee with SKH (SCANDIC MALMEN)